Monday, 19 January 2009

Day 19, Busy Days + Zombies!!!

Sorry for not posting for a few days. I have been choc 'a' bloc at work and at home. The giving up games malarkey is going well. I haven't touched any games and I am thinking about selling my Xbox 360! The closest I have come to playing a video game so far was a game of 'Zombies!!!' I played with friends. I think the game is great although my friends opinion may differ!

Since quitting games I have felt healthier (regular squash games), less stressed, more productive and generally feel better, plus it has made my girlfriend very happy!

On the down side I have been going to the pub a lots more than usual. This is bad on my finance and health. Maybe someone can write a thesis that compares video game addiction with alcohol addiction?!

In regards to my new projects I have yet to start on my book and I have yet to start Akira. However, I am mastering photoshop and am ploughing my way through the dark tower. I have become addicted to my MacBook, especially addicted to keeping it clean and out of harms way.

I have added a new project to my list. I want to make a video like this

I will update this blog more regularly from now on so keep reading!


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